Let's splash into this majestic underwater kingdom and check out the trailer!
To say, the DC extended universe isn't critically revered as Marvel is a bit of an understatement. While I've never actively chosen one over the other, DCEU has always been a fandom where my interest simply lacked. Outside of Man of Steel and Wonder Woman, I was never one to excitedly wait in line at the theaters for Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice or Justice League, and I never quite recovered from the disappointment that was Suicide Squad. But like all good things that keep standing up after they've fallen, people underestimate the miracles that might come out of a fandom when the right people are behind the camera. (Looking at you Diana Prince). And, that's honestly my hope for James Wan's epic new flick as DC unveils its latest rebranding.
Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa) is a lost king of the aquatic nation Atlantis. Brought to the surface by his mother, he's aware of his special calling to the sea and its inhabitants. When he's called back home by live Disney princess straight-out-of-our-dreams Mera (Amber Heard), he must challenge his brother Orm (Patrick Wilson) for his rightful place on the throne and save his kingdom.
0:02- "My father was a lighthouse keeper. My mother was a queen." HELL YEAH, NICOLE KIDMAN.
0:07- "Look at the attention to detail with her scaley outfit.
0:10 - "But life has a way of bringing people together." SO PRETTY. She's collecting snow?!
0:13 - Is that lighthouse taking vacation reservations?
0:14 - "He could unite our worlds one day." Little baby ARTHUR.
0:17 - Where was that aquarium when I went on school trips?
0:19 - The kids bullying Arthur feels like a slight callback to Man of Steel. Nice touch, tying the DC universe together.
0:23 - Shark Bait Ooh aah ha
0:28 - This kid is set for the rest of his life. #Blessed
0:29 - That shot of the fish having his back. #Epic
0:30 - "And that made me who I am."
0:37 - Hot Jesus?
0:39 - "Permission to come abroad?" Do I even...
0:40 - The DC Logo pops up like...strap yourselves in because you ain't seen nothing like it.
0:44 - "I've been looking for you." A woman on a mission. I LOVE IT. MERA The new love of my life.
0:45 - How fast can I get liposuction to fit into that outfit and cosplay, yo?
0:47 - Patrick Wilson?! lol I knew he was in this, I'm just...still surprised.
0: 48 - the seadragons and the other fish THAT THRONE
0: 51 - Mega Water Shit's about to go down
0:56 - "...is to take your rightful place as king." HELL YEAH.
0: 57- Dropping the gold armor in there like it's NO BIG DEAL
1:00 - "I'm no king". Believe in yourself, you beautiful land merman!
1:03 - "You do your best thinking when you're not thinking at all" parallels him hitting people. Are they saying his brains are in his muscles because I'LL TAKE IT.
1:07 - another hint at the golden suit
1:12 - I want to go to there
1:14 - It is literally Blade Runner underwater
1: 18 - Is he screaming 'Badass!' and Mera's screaming 'Arthur'?!
1:23 - Tridents clanking...
1:26 - "We call it an ass-whopping."
1:32 - *everyone in the world when this trailer dropped*
1:34 - ABSSSSS
1:40 - Teenager Arthur looks a little like out of a Disney channel movie
1:43 - Hearteyes mfer
1:45 - is he hugging his dad?!
1:49 - I don't know what's going on but I'M EXCITED
1:50 - One of those shots where you know you just have to see it on the big screen
1:52 - "That's exactly why you are worthy."
1:54 - Black Manta!!
1:55 - She's showing him to jump over buildings and cliffs and stuff
2:01 - The special effects should get an Oscar nomination
2:03 - Manta?!?!?!
2:05-2:10 - "I'm bringing the wrath of the seven seas with me." No shit.
2:18 - "Redheads, you gotta love them." YES, LOVE MERA.
I don't know about you but I feel like I swam to Atlantis and back with that trailer. And, to think that SDCC played an even bigger, exclusive one for fans in attendance is even more amazing.
Like a lot of comic book movies, its setting isn't the easiest story to translate from a script that contains dialogue and brief descriptions. Thankfully, directors always have the comic books to fall back on. And, this looks incredible. The story's a lighter, adventurous entry for the Worlds of DC (even though I love Zack Snyder's grittier attempts). With Wonder Woman's next movie set in the 1980s, these two installments are going to balance each other out. The cast looks awesome, and the attention to detail with the production design is mind-boggling. My fins are crossed for Aquaman and DCEU to finally have a hit on their hands!
Aquaman hits theaters December 21st, 2018 in the U.S. Are you going to catch some waves this holiday season?